
Monday, 22 October 2012

lost in translation (part1?)

here i am,happily typing this first post of mine.
in jeju-do!

safe and sound,baby;)
to be honest,while i was on my way here,i wasn't THAT know,the little-child-happily-playing feeling.(like my brother,who was so over the moon just by seeing korean people in the plane. *rolling eyes*)in fact, i felt quite calm.i dunno.maybe that feeling will come later.when i take a picture with a korean teenager( a good looking one will suffice,heheh);P

my mom sure knows how to pick a great place.this place is a kzillion times cooler than my house!

it's actually an apartment.tempat kteorg tingkat bawah.but's great

beast ke ukiss tah kat tv tu.

23 celsius at night!i didn't have to wear jacket at all-_-"

i intended to type about my adventures with my bro today.
or more like 'grocery shopping'.
so here goes...

today was cloudy.way too cloudy.i was waiting for any rain to fall,so that afterwards i can go out.but it didn't and we figured maybe in jeju its like this,cloudy and grey.

boy was i wrong.

at 3.00 pm-ish,my brother and i finally decided to go out exploring+buying groceries.the weather is just perfect for me,however cloudy it may be.i can walk without any heat from the sun but i don't have to wear a jacket.halfway there it started to rain.first,it was just a fine drizzle,the ones where you usually see the lovey dovey couples in kdrama playing happily with that cheesy face.but of course from a fine drizzle it turned into a mighty fine rain.yep,mighty fine.

i'm not a fan of putting my picture on the web,so is my bro,so this is all you can get from me:)

my little

in short,we arrived at the mart at last.i didn't take picturs there because we were busy figuring out what the heck the stuff in the mart mean.with my REALLY limited korean though,we managed to buy something.please note:THIS IS WAY HARDER THAN FRANCE.

i have been to france when i was 14 for a month.just like koreans,they don't speak fact,i think they don't like english because they had some kind of war back when dinosaurs roam the earth.kidding!(but the war part is true.i was just trying to be patheticly funny.get it?)but despite the language differences,it wasn't that hard since french is a little bit like english and i can speak and read french a we made friends with a french guy who was my mom's collegue (we had dinner with his family and all,but that's another story).but this time,i am introduced with a language that is entirely different from what i knew.sure,i watched kdramas,kmovies and all,but it's not like i understand what they're saying.even it take minutes for me to read hangul.and jeju-do is practically a kampung(at least,where i am staying at the moment) and there are not many marts and shopping malls.

after we went to the mart,we went to the shop nearby to buy oranges.jeju-do is known for its there's orange selling shops everywhere.once we enter the shop we were greeted by a kind ahjumma.which started another problem.when she heard my limited korea(you know,like hello,and 'how much is this?'),she started to talk endlessly,and my jaw just the end,my bro simply said in his limited korean:"i don't understand what you're saying.".oh my this ahjumma is so kind.we communicated using hands and pen and paper and in the end,we got 5 oranges!10 000won for my dear ahjumma~

why didn't i think of taking pictures at the shops?(actually there is one,but there's a picture of me in it) *sigh*
on our way home.see the new umbrella we bought at the mart?the wind was so strong that it broke a bit.

my bro eating a free orange that the ahjumma gave

it is so frustrating not knowing what a person is saying.i really need to learn korean.even the guys at the receptionist don't know english!only one guy knows a little english.i asked a guy there:"where can we dispose our garbage?" a simple question that needed to translate into korean...VERY frustrating.

the flustered receptionisters
but i like this kind of travelling.more independant than the travel agent's easier to learn the cultures when you travel like this.
and i am looking forward for my next adventures.
with more pictures perhaps.
until revoir~


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oranges for ole2,i guess...
    anyway is tht mujahid??gedik gler kaki dye >.<

  3. yes it is him..i guess his leg looked like that because of wrong timing.i took his picture when his leg was 'positioned' like that. :P
